About us
A research group focused on changing the paradigms of CO2 emissions through the development of sustainable and creative solutions to transform CO2 into high-value products for different market segments.
We strongly believe on the possibility of developing a sustainable economy founded on the best scientific practices that lead to an improvement of global human development index without harming any ecosystems or creating any health hazard issues.
This group was born under the sign of sustainable chemistry and all the transformation processes developed here should attain the rational use of energy and natural resources.
We also aim to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace, and incentive collaboration inside and outside the group. We believe a healthy work/life balance is an ally of high-performance researchers, not an enemy.

Research Funding

Contact us
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 (lab.865)
Butantã, São Paulo - SP, 05508-000